615 research outputs found

    Gravitational Constraint Combinations Generate a Lie Algebra

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    We find a first--order partial differential equation whose solutions are all ultralocal scalar combinations of gravitational constraints with Abelian Poisson brackets between themselves. This is a generalisation of the Kucha\v{r} idea of finding alternative constraints for canonical gravity. The new scalars may be used in place of the hamiltonian constraint of general relativity and, together with the usual momentum constraints, replace the Dirac algebra for pure gravity with a true Lie algebra: the semidirect product of the Abelian algebra of the new constraint combinations with the algebra of spatial diffeomorphisms.Comment: 10 pages, latex, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity. Section 3 is expanded and an additional solution provided, minor errors correcte

    Dirac Quantization of Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Minimally Coupled to N Massless Scalar Fields

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    It is shown that the Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger theory on the cylinder can be consistently quantized (using Dirac's approach) without imposing any constraints on the sign of the gravitational coupling constant or the sign (or value) of the cosmological constant. The quantum constraints in terms of the original geometrical variables are also derived

    Canonical Equivalence of a Generic 2D Dilaton Gravity Model and a Bosonic String Theory

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    We show that a canonical tranformation converts, up to a boundary term, a generic 2d dilaton gravity model into a bosonic string theory with a Minkowskian target space.Comment: LaTeX file, 9 pages, no figure

    Action functionals of single scalar fields and arbitrary--weight gravitational constraints that generate a genuine Lie algebra

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    We discuss the issue initiated by Kucha\v{r} {\it et al}, of replacing the usual Hamiltonian constraint by alternative combinations of the gravitational constraints (scalar densities of arbitrary weight), whose Poisson brackets strongly vanish and cast the standard constraint-system for vacuum gravity into a form that generates a true Lie algebra. It is shown that any such combination---that satisfies certain reality conditions---may be derived from an action principle involving a single scalar field and a single Lagrange multiplier with a non--derivative coupling to gravity.Comment: 26 pages, plain TE

    Minisuperspace Model for Revised Canonical Quantum Gravity

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    We present a reformulation of the canonical quantization of gravity, as referred to the minisuperspace; the new approach is based on fixing a Gaussian (or synchronous) reference frame and then quantizing the system via the reconstruction of a suitable constraint; then the quantum dynamics is re-stated in a generic coordinates system and it becomes dependent on the lapse function. The analysis follows a parallelism with the case of the non-relativistic particle and leads to the minisuperspace implementation of the so-called {\em kinematical action} as proposed in \cite{M02} (here almost coinciding also with the approach presented in \cite{KT91}). The new constraint leads to a Schr\"odinger equation for the system. i.e. to non-vanishing eigenvalues for the super-Hamiltonian operator; the physical interpretation of this feature relies on the appearance of a ``dust fluid'' (non-positive definite) energy density, i.e. a kind of ``materialization'' of the reference frame. As an example of minisuperspace model, we consider a Bianchi type IX Universe, for which some dynamical implications of the revised canonical quantum gravity are discussed. We also show how, on the classical limit, the presence of the dust fluid can have relevant cosmological issues. Finally we upgrade our analysis by its extension to the generic cosmological solution, which is performed in the so-called long-wavelength approximation. In fact, near the Big-Bang, we can neglect the spatial gradients of the dynamical variables and arrive to implement, in each space point, the same minisuperspace paradigm valid for the Bianchi IX model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, to appear on International Journal of Modern Physics

    Quanta Without Quantization

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    The dimensional properties of fields in classical general relativity lead to a tangent tower structure which gives rise directly to quantum mechanical and quantum field theory structures without quantization. We derive all of the fundamental elements of quantum mechanics from the tangent tower structure, including fundamental commutation relations, a Hilbert space of pure and mixed states, measurable expectation values, Schroedinger time evolution, collapse of a state and the probability interpretation. The most central elements of string theory also follow, including an operator valued mode expansion like that in string theory as well as the Virasoro algebra with central charges.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, Honorable Mention 1997 GRG Essa

    Canonical Formulation of pp-waves

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    We construct a Hamiltonian formulation for the class of plane-fronted gravitational waves with parallel rays (pp-waves). Because of the existence of a light-like Killing vector, the dynamics is effectively reduced to a 2+1 evolution with "time" chosen to be light-like. In spite of the vanishing action this allows us to geometrically identify a symplectic form as well as dynamical Hamiltonian, thus casting the system into canonical form.Comment: To appear in the "Obregon Festschrift

    Consistency of Semiclassical Gravity

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    We discuss some subtleties which arise in the semiclassical approximation to quantum gravity. We show that integrability conditions prevent the existence of Tomonaga-Schwinger time functions on the space of three-metrics but admit them on superspace. The concept of semiclassical time is carefully examined. We point out that central charges in the matter sector spoil the consistency of the semiclassical approximation unless the full quantum theory of gravity and matter is anomaly-free. We finally discuss consequences of these considerations for quantum field theory in flat spacetime, but with arbitrary foliations.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, Report Freiburg THEP-94/2

    The Dispersion of Newton's Constant: A Transfer Matrix Formulation of Quantum Gravity

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    A transfer matrix formalism applicable to certain reparametrization invariant theories, including quantum gravity, is proposed. In this formulation it is found that every stationary state in quantum gravity satisfies a Wheeler-DeWitt equation, but each with a different value of the Planck mass; the value mPlanck4m_{Planck}^4 turns out to be proportional to the eigenvalue of the evolution operator. As a consequence, the fact that the Universe is non-stationary implies that it is not in an eigenstate of Newton's constant.Comment: 24 pages, plain LaTeX, NBI-HE-93-5

    Mass Superselection, Canonical Gauge Transformations, and Asymptotically Flat Variational Principles

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    The phase space reduction of Schwarzschild black holes by Thiemann and Kastrup and by Kucha\v{r} is reexamined from a different perspective on gauge freedom. This perspective introduces additional gauge transformations which correspond to asymptotically nontrivial diffeomorphisms. Various subtleties concerning variational principles for asymptotically flat systems are addressed which allow us to avoid the usual conclusion that treating such transformations as gauge implies the vanishing of corresponding total charges. Instead, superselection rules are found for the (nonvanishing) ADM mass at the asymptotic boundaries. The addition of phenomenological clocks at each asymptotic boundary is also studied and compared with the `parametrization clocks' of Kucha\v{r}.Comment: 15 pages, ReVTeX, Minor changes made in response to referee's commment
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